When I was seven years old, my parents gave me a journal. That’s when I began writing.
By the time I was nine, I enjoyed making up weird names for my toys and creating strange games for my younger siblings. Some of these games took place in Omorbia, an island of fantastical creatures and simplistic adventures that was located “off the coast of British Columbia”.
Then I discovered the book “Emily of New Moon” by L.M. Montgomery. And since big imagination + fondness for journals in that story = writer, that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up: A writer. It was because of my love for L.M. Montgomery as well as C.S. Lewis that I decided, as a child, that my pen name would be S.A. Wilson.
During the two decades between then and now, I veered off course. I found a Reader Digest’s Edition book about robotics and was fascinated. I thought a lot about eternity and infinity, and how I had this feeling that I somehow already knew everything that I was being taught. And so when high school ended I denied myself the chance to learn about creative writing. Instead, I chose to pursue a degree in Cognitive Science.
But my urge to write never went away. When I was 16, I was able to attend an ‘enrichment’ course called POE’ET TREE 4*5*DAZE. During my second year of university, I was accepted into a poetry workshop. I had a few pieces published in small literary magazines. I kept a blog on LiveJournal. And all the while Omorbia, rather than fading with other childhood fancies, keep evolving and growing until it was a whole world of stories.
At the end of my undergraduate, I figured the best way to be able to keep writing and also make a living was to go to grad school. But one of my professors told me that I didn’t have the grades to be accepted. So I took a back-door route to my goal: I went to teacher’s college first. This had the added benefit of giving me summers off to write if I ever had to actually use my teaching certification. It was a terrible plan and I eventually found out that I couldn't succeed in a job that I wasn't called to do.
But mt plan worked in terms of my higher education goals: I obtained a Master Degree in Education. Then, of course, I pursued the next logical step and signed up to complete a Doctorate. And that’s when my true calling caught up to me. With mounting debt and dwindling motivation to do anything with my life than what I was born to do, I quit the program and put as much effort into writing fiction as I had into learning about education and cognitive science during the previous ill advised 10 years.
In April, 2011, the idea for RoboNomics came to me. It was in the small hours of the morning, when I was worrying about how my cruddy day job was going to adequately cover my debt load. I expanded and explored the idea during NaNoWriMo 2011. Then I put the manuscript aside and starting learning about writing and the publishing industry.
Last year, I applied for Humber College’s correspondence program in creative writing. During the summer of 2013, I worked with a professional author through a draft of RoboNomics Book I. When the program was finished, I was determined that my work should be in the world rather than in a desk draw. That’s when I turned to Wattpad.
Today, I am very active on Wattpad. I no longer have a paralyzing fear of putting even first drafts online. Even if I were not publishing through traditional or innovative means, I would always have to write. The one lesson I have learned in this life is that I was born to write fiction. I can never turn away from that fact, and I cannot deny it.
I hope you enjoy my stories. But even if you dislike my writings, I hope I can inspire you in some small way. :)