Monday, June 23, 2014

I'm baaaaaack!

Hey kids! It feels like it's been a long time since I last wrote a blog post. But as promised, I was on the move. And immediately after moving I came down with a summer cold. Boooo. One which I still have a tiny bit, but which I am fighting with all my might.

And even though this summer will continue to be busy with visits and weddings and travels and adventures, I do have a lot of little projects in mind. Never a dull moment! etc.

I also have to say that I am gratified to see that although I've been absent from internet publishings for over a month, I see on my blog and on Wattpad that there are still a good amount of folks reading what I write. I'll admit that this is the first time it's happened to me. This is the first time that I've taken a break from my blog and it hasn't completely died out. This applies to my Twitter following as well: I haven't lost 100 followers from my absence.

Nevertheless, the activity starts up again! So stayed tuned to this and to my Other Blogs for new material. Also check out my Wattpad page for some new rough drafts of spontaneous stories!

Good to be back! :)

P.S. Does anyone out there know anything about what's happening with the Wattpad Prize? June 23 and not a peep about it yet....hmmmmmm.....hopefully it's just a sign that there are too many good stories to choose from...

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